What is Presbyopia?
The vision condition of presbyopia happens to almost everyone at some point in their lives. While you may not know the term presbyopia, you may know the main symptom…the need for reading glasses
Reason for Presbyopia
As we age, the natural lens of the eye becomes less flexible. The eye muscles can no longer flex the lens enough to accommodate for close-up vision. This condition typically begins after age 40 and becomes gradually worse.

Common Symptoms of Presbyopia
- Difficulty reading, especially in low light conditions
- Eyestrain after reading for extended periods
- Headaches when doing close-up work
- Blurry near vision
- Need to hold reading materials far away to see them clearly
Treatment Options for Presbyopia
Many people view presbyopia as a sign of getting older, and they dread wearing reading glasses in public. If you are troubled by your inability to read menus, books and more, there are treatment options.
- Clear Lens Exchange (similar to cataract surgery)
- Bifocal lenses
- Monovision contact lenses, where one contact is set for distance vision and the other contact is set for close-up vision

Presbyopia is not a disease and it cannot be prevented. It’s simply one of life’s inevitables for most people. To learn more about your treatment options for presbyopia in Bourbonnais, IL, contact us to schedule an eye exam.