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LASIK in Pop Culture: Movies and TV Shows Featuring Laser Eye Surgery

Hollywood tends to glamourize life, even mundane things are larger than life on the silver screen. Movies and TV shows featuring laser eye surgery often do so at the expense of the patient and ultimately a bit of a freak out for the viewer. For the sake of bringing about emotions, either a laugh for a comedy or instilling fear in a drama, showcasing the detriments of botched surgeries of any kind passes for entertainment.

When thinking of LASIK in pop culture, a memorable episode from the TV show “The King of Queens” is centered around Doug purchasing discount laser eye surgery for Carrie for her birthday. To save money, Doug finds a cheap doctor, but Carrie’s vision ends up worse as she wakes up with more blurred and distorted vision with each passing day. Eventually going to a reputable eye surgeon saves her vision but the episode is chalked full of gags about how going for discount laser eye surgery has its consequences. Perhaps the most infamous movie that keeps people far away from an eye surgeon’s office is a traumatic scene in Final Destination 5. If you are unfamiliar, the Final Destination horror franchise follows the journey of people who have cheated death and in unpredictable, random ways are being picked off one by one. This memorable but medically inaccurate scene is riddled with gross probabilities but nonetheless has scared would-be patients away from laser surgery that in the real world boasts a 99% success rate. For those who are curious … spoiler alert: The Final Destination 5 scene focused on the character Olivia involves trapping her head to a table, leaving her alone in the operating room, having various trailing cables and water coolers in the surgical area, getting her face burned by the laser, and her eyeballs popping out and rolling across the floor. When you swap fantasy for reality, you will never have to worry about any of these scary options coming true. You won’t be strapped to the table, you won’t be left alone, you won’t have random unnecessary and risky items left in the room, the laser shuts off when you blink, sneeze or have any movements, and your eyeballs definitely will not fall out after treatment. The eyeball is attached by muscles, tissues and the optic nerve.

During LASIK, only the cornea, the transparent surface layer of the eye, is treated. It is simply reshaped to improve vision. LASIK in pop culture, movies and TV shows featuring laser surgery, rarely show the truth. Mainly because safe, predictable and boring things don’t make for great entertainment. But it does make for great eyesight. If you are wanting to swap prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses for sharp, clear vision, schedule a comprehensive eye exam at Fisher-Swale-Nicholson Eye Center by calling 815-932-2020. To learn more about the true benefits, and minimal risks, of laser eye surgery, visit WEBSITE